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A magnetic tub of 106 lower case precursive letters. Consonents are in red and vowels are in blue, so it is easy for student to recognize which is which.  Also digraph is coneccted and form as one tub.  It makes students to learn digraph as  one word.  It is very useful for yonger age student before writing and for students who have difficulity to learn. Contents are following;

・A tub of 106 lower case magnetic letters

・Consonants are in red and vowels are in blue

・Contains 2 each of the 42 letter sounds (inc. digraphs)

・Contains 4 each of the vowels a, e, i, and o 

・Contains 6 each of m and d 

・Contains c and k plus q and qu

・y is included both in red and blue (as both consonant and vowel)


*Note: This product is made only in pre-cursive letters.




・A tub of 106 lower case magnetic letters(小文字のマグネット106個)

・Consonants are in red and vowels are in blue(子音=赤色、母音=青色の色分け)

・Contains 2 each of the 42 letter sounds (inc. digraphs) (42音の文字各2個づつ(含むダイグラフ))

・Contains 4 each of the vowels a, e, i, and o (短母音a,e, i, o, 各4個づつ)

・Contains 6 each of m and d (m およびdは各6個づつ)

・Contains c and k plus q and qu ( c, kに加えてqおよびqu)

・y is included both in red and blue (as both consonant and vowel) (yは子音(赤)母音(青)の両方)



Jolly Phonics Magnetic Letters (tub of 106 precursive letters)

  • A tub of 106 lower case magnetic precursive letters. 

    Consonants are in red and vowels are in blue.

    Tub contains 2 each of the 42 letter sounds, 4 each of the vowels a, e , i and o, 6 each of m and d. Both c and k and q and qu are included. Y is included both in red and blue (as both consonant and vowel).

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