Easy to use dictionary, designed to help children improve their reading and writing. Paperback edition.
ペーパーバック版のディクショナリーです。子供達の読み書きの力を伸ばし自分で学習出来るように考え作られた辞書です。対象年齢にふさわしい 6,000を超える単語が収録されており意味も子供達が自分で読み、理解出来るように説明されています。子供達が単語の場所を見つけやすいように4つのセクションに色分けがされています。又、単語の発音表記にはジョリーフォニックスの音が使われているため子供自身が自発的に音を発音することができます。こちらの辞書はエジンバラ公アワードも受賞しており大変優れた教材として親しまれています。
Jolly Dictionary Paperback Edition(in print)/ジョリーディクショナリー (ペーパーカバー in print)
The award-winning Jolly Dictionary complements the Jolly Grammar books and is designed to teach children how to look up and understand words they don't know.
Teaching children how to use a dictionary will improve reading and writing, and help them become independent learners. The dictionary has been color coded into four sections, (matching the Jolly Phonics Alphabet poster) so that children are able to find the words they are looking quickly.
A unique Pronunciation Guide is given for each of the 6,000+ age-appropriate words. The definitions have been carefully written so that children find them easy to read and understand. The Jolly Dictionary is also beautifully illustrated throughout and features Inky, Bee and Snake.